Munchkin provides several functions which can be called manually through Javascript. These can allow for customized tracking of browser events, such as video plays, or clicks on non-links.
The Munchkin API is comprised of the following functions: init, createTrackingCookie, munchkinFunction.
Munchkin.init() must be called before any other functions. It will set Munchkin on the current page to send activities to a specific instance and will generate a “Visits Web Page” activity for the current page.
Parameter Name | Optional/Required | Type | Description |
Munchkin ID | Required | String | Munchkin Account ID found under Admin > Integration > Munchkin menu.
Sets the target instance to send activities to. |
Configuration Settings | Optional | Object | Enables alternate behavior settings for Munckin. |
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Munchkin.init('299-BYM-827'); |
When called, this will check to see if there already exists an “_mkto_trk” cookie in the browser, and will create one if it does not. This is useful for enabling tracking for users during specific actions, such as registration or downloading an asset, if cookieAnon is set to false.
Parameter Name | Optional/Required | Type | Description |
forceCreate | Required | Boolean | Create cookie even if cookieAnon is set to false. |
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Munchkin.createTrackingCookie(true); |
Used for generating custom tracking behaviors, such as video player plays and pauses, or page visits for non-standard navigation, such as hashcodes.
Parameter | Optional/Required | Type | Description |
Function Type | Required | String | Determines the activity to record.
Permissible values: |
Data | Required | Object | Contains data for the activity to be recorded. |
Calling munchkinFunction() with visitWebPage will send a visit activity for the current user to Marketo. You can customize the URL and querystring which are sent with the data object in the second argument.
Data Property Name | Optional/Required | Type | Description |
url | Required | String | The URL file path used to record a page visit. This value is appended to current domain name to create full page name.
For example, if url is ‘/index.html’ and domain name is ‘’, then the visited page is recorded as ‘’. |
params | Optional | String | A querystring of the desired parameters to be recorded.
For example, ‘foo=bar&biz=baz’. |
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Munchkin.munchkinFunction('visitWebPage', { 'url': '/Football/Team/Seahawks', 'params': 'defense=legion_of_boom&qb=wilson' } ); |
Calling munchkinFunction() with clickLink will send a click activity for the current user to Marketo. You can customize the click URL with the “href” property in the data object.
Data Property Name | Optional/Required | Type | Description |
href | Required | String | The URL file path used to record a link click. This value is appended to current domain name to create full link.
For example, if href is ‘/index.html’ and domain name is ‘’, then the link click is recorded as ‘’. |
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Munchkin.munchkinFunction('clickLink', { 'href': '/Football/Team/Seahawks' } ); |