Adobe Launch Extension

Marketo Mobile Extension for Adobe Launch

Installation instructions for Marketo Mobile SDK extension in Adobe Launch.  The steps below are required to send Push Notifications and/or In-App Messages.



Setup Swift Bridging Header

1. Go to File > New > File and Select “Header File”.


2. Name the file “<ProjectName>-Bridging-Header”.

3. Go to Project > Target > Build Phases > Swift Compiler > Code Generation.  Add the following path to Objective-Bridging Header:



Please Note:

For Swift users. 

Remove the following import statement, as we have added the bridging header already in the above steps.

import Marketo/ALMarketo

iOS Test Devices

Follow instructions at Adding iOS Test Devices

Handle Custom Url Type in AppDelegate

Follow instructions here

Set up push notifications on iOS

Follow instructions here and use the class name “ALMarketo” instead of “Marketo”


Configure Permissions

Open AndroidManifest.xml and add following permissions. Your app must request the “INTERNET” and “ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE” permissions. If your app already requests these permissions, then skip this step.

ProGuard Configuration (Optional)

If you are using ProGuard for your app, then add the following lines in your proguard.cfg file. The file will be located within your project folder. Adding this code will exclude the Marketo SDK from the obfuscation process.

Android  Test Devices

Follow instructions here

Set up push notifications on Android

Follow instructions here and use the class name “ALMarketo” instead of “Marketo”

For setting up user profiles follow instructions here and for custom actions follow instructions here. In following instructions, use the classname “ALMarketo” instead of “Marketo”