In-App Web Personalization (Beta) using the RTP API

June 17, 2015 | by

Several of our customers provide web app solutions for their users and we receive requests if they can use Marketo Real-Time Personalization (RTP) within their secured web app environment. The answer is yes! We’ve released an API for In-App messaging, so you can personalize content and promote marketing activities like webinars, new feature releases, up-sells and engage your users based on your web app data.

For example, personalizing In-App content for:

  • Trial offers based on user activity
  • Different subscription types (up-sell, cross-sell, or webinar training)
  • New features relevant to the user activity

Use Case Example

Marketo’s Customer Success team uses In-App Web Personalization to communicate with specific subscription types (Spark, Standard, Select, or Enterprise) with personalized content, making sure they are seeing progressive campaigns and nurturing in-app users based on their engagement.

Let’s see how this can be done for a user with an Enterprise subscription type.


Understand the RTP User Context API.

Enable the User Context API

Request from Marketo Support to enable the User Context API for your RTP account.

Set the Custom Variable

There are 5 custom variable slots available in RTP to send data to. In this example, we will send user subscription type Enterprise to Custom Variable 1.

Create a New RTP Segment

Go to Segments, click CREATE NEW.


  1. Drag the User Context API filter to the segment builder.
  2. Select the Custom Variable 1 (Subscription Type) that value is Enterprise.


Show Campaign Based on Previous Visit History

To show the visitor another campaign if they already clicked on a campaign in a previous visit.

  1. Within the User Context API, click (+) to add another User Context API attribute
  2. Add the operator (AND or OR).
  3. Select Campaigns – Clicked. Set Campaign ID to the ID of the campaign. (See note below how to find the Campaign ID.)
  4. Click SAVE & DEFINE CAMPAIGN to create the campaign creative.

Overall, this segment will match if a visitor is associated with the custom variable (subscription type) equal to Enterprise and if they clicked on the campaign (ID: 5390) in a previous visit.

The next step is to define a personalized campaign to this segment. The screenshot below shows a RTP dialog campaign (bottom left) appearing on the My Marketo page promoting a webinar for Enterprise users.



Locating the Campaign ID

Go to Campaigns, hover over the Campaign Name to locate the Campaign ID.
