May 2015 Release Updates

May 26, 2015 | by
  • Opportunity API.  New opportunity endpoints have been introduced that allow you to programmatically list, describe, and CRUD the data residing within a Marketo opportunity object.  

Note:  Role permissions were added to provide access to the Opportunity endpoints: Read-Only Opportunity, Read-Write Opportunity.  If your API user role predates the release of the Opportunity APIs, then you will need to create a new API user role with these permissions to enable access.  Otherwise, you will receive a 603 “Access Denied” error response.

  • Asset API – Snippets.  New asset endpoints for snippets have been introduced to allow you to programmatically manipulate snippet objects.  Snippets can be used as dynamic content blocks in Emails and Landing Pages.
  • Leads API – Update Leads Partition.  A new lead endpoint for partitions has been added to allow you to update the partition for one or more  leads.
  • Fixed issue where Lead-related API’s were missing time zone offset in “createdAt” and “updatedAt” attributes.  [LM-52671]
  • Fixed issue where Schedule Campaign was not returning the proper error code when daily maximum number of calls had been exceeded.  [LM-57082]
  • Fixed issue where Get Folder by Id would sometimes return null for “parent” and “description” attributes.  [LM-57956]
  • Fixed issue where Approve Email by Id would give system error in certain cases.  [LM-58271]
  • Fixed issue where Create Token by Folder Id would produce a token that was unusable in certain cases. [LM-58073]
Real-Time Personalization (RTP)
  • Rich Media Recommendation API.  New rich media recommendation capabilities have been added to the RTP JavaScript API.  The Rich Media Content Recommendation engages your web visitors with the most relevant content powered by machine learning and predictive analytics. Enhance your content assets with text descriptions and images and embed multiple content recommendations on your website.
Mobile Engagement SDK

iOS v0.3.4/Android v0.3.3

  • Custom Actions.  Added the ability to track user interaction by sending custom actions.  For details, see “Sending Custom Actions” here.
  • The trackPushNotification method has been deprecated.