March 2022 Updates

March 14, 2022 | by

In March 2022 we are enhancing existing REST APIs, and resolving several defects.  See the full list of updates below.

Lead APIs

Bulk Activity Extract

  • We have added the actionResult field to the export file produced by the Bulk Activity Extract API.  This field can be used to distinguish between successful, skipped, and failed activities.

Asset APIs


  • We have added the isOpenTrackingDisabled field to responses from Emails API.  This field can be used to determine whether Disable Open Tracking feature is enabled.


  • We have added two endpoints that allow you to selectively manage program tags.  The Update Program Tags endpoint allows you to selectively update a program tag.  The Delete Program Tags endpoint allows you to selectively delete a program tag.
  • We have added the isExecutable parameter to the Clone Smart Campaign endpoint.  This parameter allows you to clone a program as an executable program.
  • We have added the headStart field to Programs API.  This allows you to create, update, and retrieve the Head Start setting for Email Programs.

Defect Resolutions

  • Fixed issue with Get Email Dynamic Content endpoint.  When trying to retrieve subject lines with dynamic content from emails that had broken template relationships, an error was returned, 709 ,””API only allows operations on emails with a template”.  The endpoint now returns the dynamic content.  [LM-152331]
  • Fixed issue with Sync Leads endpoint.  When using externalSalesPersonId to associate Sales Person with lead using externalSalesPersonId and using action = createDuplicate, then the Sales Person association would not occur.  [LM-158990]


Adobe IMS Integration