June 2015 Release Updates

June 30, 2015 | by
  • Company API

New company endpoints have been introduced that allow you to programmatically list, describe, and CRUD the data residing within a Marketo company object. 

Note:  Role permissions were added to provide access to the Program endpoints: Read-Only Company, Read-Write Company.  If your API user role predates the release of the Company APIs, then you will need to update your API user role with these permissions to enable access.  Otherwise, you will receive a 603 “Access Denied” error response

  • Asset API – Programs

Updated Asset API to support both Application folders and Program folders.  Several Asset APIs had accepted a folder id in the request in the form of an integer.  The folder id could be passed as part of the URI, or part of request body, depending on the API.

Now you must specify the folder type alongside the folder id.  The folder type is either “Program” or “Folder”.  “Folder” specifies an Application folder, whereas “Program” specifies a Program folder.  The folder type is specified in two different ways, depending on the API that you are calling:

1. Use the “FolderIdType” data structure.  FolderIdType is a simple JSON block containing the id and the type pair as follows:

{ “id” : id, “type” : “type” }

Where id is the folder id, and “type” is the folder type.  Permissible values for “type” are “Folder” or “Program”.

Example – Create Folder

POST /asset/v1/folders.json

parent={“id”:416,”type”:”Folder”}&name=Test Folder&description=This is a test folder

 2. Use the existing id parameter and specifying its type using  a “type” query parameter.

Example – Get Folder by Id

GET /rest/asset/v1/folder/1016.json?type=Program

All API responses that had contained a folder id in the Result object will now also contain a folderId attribute whose value is a FolderIdType.  This can be used to determine the folder type for a given folder id.

Example – Get Folder by Name

GET /rest/asset/v1/folder/byName.json?name=Social Media

“result”: [


“folderId”: {“id”:341, “type”: “Program”},




To determine the folder type for a given id, you may use Browse Folders API.

The “type” attribute in API responses has been renamed to “folderType”.  This is to avoid confusion with the “type” element contained in FolderIdType.

For example, from this:

type“:”Marketing Folder”

to this:

folderType: “Marketing Folder”

The following table lists the Asset APIs were changed.

API Group API Change Description
Create Folder Changed “parent” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Get Folder by Id Added “type” parameter
Get Folder by Name Added “type” parameter
Update Folder Added “type” parameter
Delete Folder by Id Added “type” parameter
Browse Folders  Changed “root” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Get Folder Contents Added “type” parameter
Email Template
Create Email Template Changed “folder” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Clone Email Template Changed “folder” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Create Email Changed “folder” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Get Emails Changed “folder” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Clone Email Changed “folder” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Get Email by Name Changed “folder” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Create Snippet Changed “folder” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Clone Snippet Changed “folder” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Create a File Changed “folder” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
List Files Changed “folder” parameter from integer to FolderIdType
Create Token by Folder Id Added “folderType” parameter
Get Tokens by Folder Id Added “folderType” parameter
Delete Tokens by Folder Id Added “folderType” parameter
Real-Time Personalization (RTP)
  • In-App Web Personalization (Beta)

Added an API to allow personalization of content based on web app data.  See blog post here.

Mobile Engagement SDK

iOS 0.3.5

  • Fixed issue where the set test device dialog was running on the main thread. [MOB-638]
  • Added error handling in the case of failure to register test device. [MOB-639]

Android 0.3.3

  • Added android:configChanges attribute to AndroidManifest.xml <activity> element to keep progress dialog from being dismissed when you added a test device and changed the orientation.   [MOB-687]